Hidden Girls

Hidden Stories

The Hidden Girls project supports girls who are cut off from the outside world for their own safety. These girls have experienced sexual or domestic abuse and live in safe houses.

With our Trauma Relief Movement program we provide dance and sports on a weekly basis. Our coaches work together with trauma specialists to make a positive impact on the emotional, physical and mental health of these Hidden Girls. This year we are running our project in Rotterdam, Utrecht and Mexico City.

Girls watches out of the window black and white

Our mission is to make a positive change to the emotional, physical and mental health of young people who have fled from an unsafe environment. The Hidden Girls that we support are staying in secret locations to protect the girls from the ones that gave them traumatic experiences through violence.

The Numbers

Mexico is the number one country in the world in sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking of minors.


Of child pornography is produced in Mexico.

1 out of 4

Mexican girls suffers sexual and/or physical abuse before the age of 18.


Prior to the COVID-19, 600,000 predators entered Mexico each year. That’s 1,666 per day, 69 per hour, one pedophile per minute.

The groups most exposed to trafficking in Mexico are unaccompanied children, indigenous people, people with mental or physical disabilities, asylum seekers and migrants, displaced persons, LGBTQI+ persons, informal sector workers, and children in cartel-controlled areas.

Sources: OECD, Factor Coahuila, La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, State.gov, The International Conference on Tourism and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.


Of all women in The Netherlands experienced physical and/or sexual violence at some point in their lives.


Almost three-quarters (73%) have been sexually harassed

1 out of 10

Women has been raped at some point in her life.

1 out of 5

Women has ever been physically abused by a partner or ex-partner.


Woman is murdered every eight days.

Source: Sterk Huis

Hidden Stories

Listen to her story

Contains sensitive and traumatic experiences

Our mission is to make a positive change to the emotional, physical and mental health of young people who have fled from an unsafe environment. By using dance and sports we stimulate the process of trauma relief on a physical level in a fun, accessible and effective way.

10 euro will give 1 girl 1 trauma relief movement training.

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